Next steps – Microsoft Applied Skills AI

Congratulations for completing this Microsoft Applied Skills AI course.

What’s the next step for you? Here are some resources which can help you in your future learning journey.

Take this Microsoft Applied Skill assessment

Why not take the Microsoft Applied Skill assessment? It is currently free, and you can retake it as many times as you want.

If for some reason you don’t pass, then you can try again in 72 hours. During that time, why not have a look at the Practice Activities in your course, and have a look at any details that you weren’t sure of in your assessment.

Other video courses you might be interested in

We have three other courses which teach the skills required for the AI Microsoft Applied Skills. All of these courses are included in Udemy Business.

Just like the course that you have just done, you’ll be programming in either C# or Python. Now that you have experience with programming, you’ve already got a lot of the basics.

Let’s have a look at what you could be learning, and how that can fit with the course that you have just done.

  • Read text from images (OCR – Optical Character Recognition), using general-purpose models, and other models such as those designed especially to read invoices.
  • Do this in the User Interface Portal, and with either C# or Python.
  • Create your own custom extraction model. Find specific information from your own documents.


  • Analyse text, identifying the language, extracting key phrases, recognise entities (such as dates, addresses, recipients and more) and sentiment, and more.
  • Do this in the User Interface Portal, and with either C# or Python.
  • Create your own custom models to classify text, and to extract specific entities from your own text.

  • Learn how to create an Azure OpenAI resource and model.
  • Use it to generate natural language responses.
  • Improve the answers using prompt engineering techniques.
  • Generate and improve code
  • Use DALL-E to generate images, and
  • Use Azure OpenAI on your data, so it can use your internal company documents or more up-to-date data.
  • Do this in the User Interface Portal, and with either C# or Python.


  • Create a computer vision resource in a free Azure subscription, and use it to analyze images.
  • Create captions and dense captions, looking at the results in text and in JSON format, before looking at other features.
  • Create a custom image analysis model, training it to recognise three different types of products, and then test it so that it can identify them in new photos.
  • Finally, we’ll find out how to analyse images in code. We’ll use Visual Studio and customise code to connect to both the computer vision and the custom image resources, and use them to analyse images and return the analysis.

Finally, a lot of the AI programming regards Azure Blob Storage. You can learn more details about this in .

  • First of all, we’ll quickly creating a storage account and a container and upload a file. Then we’ll look in some detail at storage account configuration, both when creating the storage account and after it has been created.
  • We’ll then create and configure Blob Storage. We’ll look at blob access tiers, lifecycle management, soft delete and versioning for blobs, together with Shared Access Signatures.
  • Creating and configuring Azure Files allows you to create directories and putting your files into these folders.
  • We’ll look at how you can change the encryption key, and configure infrastructure encryption and encryption scopes.
  • Finally, we’ll look at how your storage account can interact with Virtual Networks.

Udemy Certificate of Completion

If you have watched all of the videos, then you should shortly be able to download your Udemy certificate of completion.

If you have any trouble downloading it, then please go to this website.

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If you want to link with us, please go to our LinkedIn page.

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* Some of the links with a * are affiliate links, so we might get a small amount of money if you make a purchase. However, we have been recommending these products before they were affiliates.